Are your light guards or safety scanners effective?
The HSE recommend such devices are tested every 6-12 months subject to Type

The stopping time is a key factor for machines with dangerous motions when selecting and positioning protective devices such as light curtains, safety scanners and two handed control devices.

The stopping time essentially determines the safety distance between protective device and danger point. This guarantees that the operator cannot reach the nearest danger point before the standstill.

Using a specialist time meter the HHB Safetyman® DT2 the stopping time and stopping distance can be tested to check compliant positioning and operation of installed safety devices.

Our Functional Safety Engineers can attend your premises to undertake testing as required, or equipment hire can be provided should you wish to undertake your own testing.

Find out more about Electro Sensitive Protective Equipment (ESPE) Testing on the HSE website –

Please contact us to discuss your requirements.